Robin’s Memoir-through The Lens Of Love: Facing Terminal Illness
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It has been a beautiful fall with many glorious days in the courtyard. When I have no motivation or energy to tackle even the simplest of chores, I retreat to the garden. It is my haven. I am drawn to it by the dreamy sound of the bubbling waterfall and the allure of new buds and flowers each day. I feel Dick’s spirit there and it fills my heart. I love the sunlight streaming into the courtyard, providing me with a special hot spot where I can watch a parade of visitors from my chair. October was a mild month and I enjoyed a variety of visitors that I didn’t expect. The monarch butterfly has greatly reduced in numbers in recent years, so I was thrilled to have some sightings this summer. One day last month, I even had 2 monarchs hanging out in my garden at the same time! Another sunny day in October, I had 2 painted ladies who spent the day. One of the painted ladies kept me company quite often this summer, flitting from one flower to another. I felt like we were playing a game as I moved all my pots around during the day to accommodate the sun and the butterfly followed suit. The painted lady last paid a visit on Nov 1st. I believe Dick is looking out for me as he knew I would be hangin’ in the courtyard with my camera.
I’ve also had a praying mantis who has been a courtyard resident all summer. Yesterday I caught him munching on dinner(see below). They say that the praying mantis is a symbol of G’d and comes to us when we need peace, quiet, and calm in our lives. “Usually the mantis makes an appearance when our lives are flooded with so much activity or chaos that we can no longer hear the still, small voice within. ” It is said to keep our spirit calm in bad times. I have needed quiet time these last several months to restore my soul and the garden has been my refuge. Perhaps the praying mantis helped me along.
All of these photos were taken in October. Although it was still blooming, I dug out the last passion flower plant today in anticipation of the change in weather.