Robin’s Memoir-through The Lens Of Love: Facing Terminal Illness
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On a brisk Sunday in March of 2011, my husband suggested we head out on a day trip to take some pictures. The white blanket of snow was finally gone. It had been a long, harsh winter and we were anxious to get outside and shoot the first signs of spring.The branches were still bare and the landscape had not yet turned green. It was a cloudy day and everything looked dull brown.
We returned home with some photographs of local landscapes, later slated for deletion. I was regretting that I hadn’t stayed home to do yard work. There were leaves to be raked, brush to be cleaned,dead stalks to be removed, and other seasonal chores. I headed out to the yard to get started on the arduous task of getting the yard in shape. When I bent down to remove the leaves which filled the basement window wells on the side of the house, I noticed movement. I was shocked to see numerous snake heads popping up in all directions. The snakes were wound up and swarming all over one another. I think I surprised them as much as they surprised me!
Window Well of Snakes
Snake Entanglement
Both window wells(about 4 feet apart) provided a home for a den of snakes. The view in these pictures is from above as looking down into the window well provided the only safe vantage point for photographing the snakes.
I went to check the backyard pond as we usually have some resident snakes living under the rocks surrounding the pond. Sure enough, the first snakes of the season were settling into their new home.I was also greeted by the first spring crocuses. So, we went off looking for adventure that afternoon, and, as so often happens in life in general, the best adventure was right in our own backyard!
First Snakes of the Season
Garter Snakes by the Pond
Spring Crocuses