

Dear Friends,

When I envisioned my memoir, I planned to include some photographs to mark important stages of our lives through Dick’s illness. Using photographs to tell a story is what I knew best. However, I soon found that, not only could I use words to tell my story, but that I had many of them! I discovered that including photos would not be possible because of the size and cost of the book.

Therefore, I am displaying photos on this website to complement my memoir. You can follow along, chapter by chapter. Many of these photos, including all the black and white ones, were taken by Dr. Padmanabhan Bharani. Dr. Bharani was with us from the very beginning of our journey at the Brigham, to all our appointments, our trip to Cleveland, and family gatherings. He documented all those special moments, joyful and sad, and created a very meaningful photo book which he presented to me and to each of my children after Dick died.I am grateful for his capturing those times when I was too depleted to even consider taking photos. Seeing Dick’s smiling face although he knew he was dying, brings me faith, strength, and courage and I hope it will make you feel the same.

If you have found your way here first, you can find the full story in my book, Through the Lens of Love:Facing Terminal Illness, available on Amazon.

